Since 1923 we have been supplying top quality fly-tying materials to fly tyers and fly-tying Factories around the world.
It all started in the early 1920's when Mr Ernest and Frank Veniard started collecting feathers from London poultry markets for the bedding, fashion and millenary trade. This in turn led to limited supplies for fly tyers.
By the mid 1930's The Veniard brothers produced there first fly Tying Catalogue. By the start of WWII the company already had a reputation for supplying top quality materials.
The late 50's saw a big rise in the leisure industry this coupled with public access to put and take trout fishing led to a boom period for the company. The downside to this was a shortage of home grown materials which forced the company to look overseas for supplies.
In the 50's 60's the company continue to grow with weekly visits to the commercial Fly tying factories of the midlands the norm to expand the bulk sales of the business.
The 1970's saw Peter Veniard take over the reigns and the company split with the retail business and continued to grow.
The 1980's were a time of huge growth in synthetic material use and availability, something we were involved with from the start.
The 90's saw the start of the chenille and bead boom which we're still seeing today. 30 years later we're still selling large amounts of sparkly chenille and various beads.
The new century saw us moving to bigger and more suitable premises and with huge company growth the company further extended in to adjoining premises as well.
The 2010's saw us take over and extend the dyeing and spooling facilities at the old Gordon Griffith factory. This led to growth in areas we hadn't explored before.
We now have over 15 staff involved in the day to day running of Veniard ltd. This includes the picking, packing and dispatch of orders and the sorting, processing and packing of materials.
Approaching 100 years after the Veniard brothers started collecting feathers from the markets of London, Veniard Ltd continue to grow and now as before, our position as one of the top fly tying material suppliers in the word is in no doubt.
List of products by manufacturer Veniard
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